


This is here to make sure you get every bit of value out of your call with our team. Go through each section before your call and we’ll see you soon.


– Cameron King, Founder Farm Rebel™ 


Thank you for committing to your call with us!

We are honored by your interest in working with the team at Farm Rebel™ to achieve your direct-to-consumer business goals.

Ultimately, the purpose of this call is to see how we can best help you.

Because the proper fit is so important to us, we require a conversation before getting started. After we get to know you and your business, if we believe you would be a good fit for us, then we will show you what we can do for you. At that point you can decide if you’d like to become one of our successful clients.

At this point, you are likely asking yourself,
“Will This Work For MY RANCH?”

While Farm Rebel™ does have a number of programs and resources, your first step is with our core program Customers On Demand. COD coaches farmers and ranchers on customer acquisition. In order to further help you make a decision about COD, we have included several videos below that address common questions that farmers and ranchers have about what we do. Whether or not our coaching program will work for you will be determined on the call after we ask you some deeper questions, but you will get more value from the call when you view the videos below before speaking with the team here.


How to Make Six-Figures Selling Beef

Want To Sell More Meat? Start here!

Why A List Is CRUCIAL To Meat Sales


Dirty Dog Farms: A Farm Rebel Story

Wanda Farms: A Farm Rebel Story

Bruce Sold Out of Chicken In Less Than 3 Months

Bison SELLS with Gregg Nott 👇

Six-Figure Beef Sales at Just 19 Years Old

$22K In Pre-Sale Deposits Within 7 Days

< Still not sure? Results Matter. >

< Frequently Asked Questions >

Families finish how their best customers prefer. We coach you on how to sell that product direct-to-consumer. Our mission is simply to help farm families thrive and that all begins with customer acquisition.

The principles we coach you through work on all proteins. We’ve even experienced success with honey producers and horticulturists. The principles are the principles.

If you need a spouse or partner present to make business decisions, please include them on the call. Show up open and ready to be challenged with new ideas. Make sure you’re sitting down, comfortable and focused. And don’t forget to bring a notebook as you’ll get a lot of value from our time together! Check your email for a link to the call.

Nope.There are plenty of other programs and platforms out there for that. We are different. We’ve found that coaching has a bigger impact on our clients with longer lasting, transformational results. (Remember, Jordan and Kobe needed Phil Jackson to win rings.)

Cameron King went from beef production to adding coaching to his plate in 2017. Since then, we’ve built an entire team committed to helping farm families increase their revenue, build the farm or ranch of their dreams and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Odds are, no. You’re probably close to maxed out on the opportunity in your town. You’re selling to friends and family, but the truth is, you can’t scale support. That’s not a business. (Your neighbors are probably producers too!) That’s why we teach you where to find your ideal customer in larger cities, your state and even the nation. Don’t get hung up on the details right now, we’ll coach you through this. Brands don’t stay local when they see how we can really help. 

We help everyone from cow-calf operations transitioning to direct-to-consumer to those earning six and seven figures looking to scale their growth profitability and predictably.

Farm Rebel | ©2023 | All Rights Reserved